A Day in the Life of Aico’s Technical Writer
Marianne Potts has a way with words, that much is clear. But have you ever wondered what it would be like to work as a Technical Writer? The good news is that you can now stop wondering. The answer is right in front of you! Let Marianne take you along with her for a day in the life of Aico’s Technical Writer...

I love being a technical writer at Aico. My days are so varied. The Aico financial close automation provider is a complex product with many layers to unpick and understand. Years of passionate expertise have gone into producing a highly configurable, intelligent tool for financial experts.
And it’s my job to take all the knowledge from our experts and translate it into guidance that’s clear, engaging and easy to understand and follow.
As the only technical writer, I’m simultaneously a:
- communicator
- problem solver
- writer
- editor
- interpreter
- project manager
What does a Technical Writer do at Aico?
It’s impossible to split my day into a routine, so I’ve grouped my role by tasks.
Customer documentation
For me, communication is king. Aico is used by an array of financial personnel. It’s my responsibility to ensure they understand how to use Aico and get the most from it.
No one wants to read long, complicated instructions. It’s easy for writers to fall in love with words and lose sight of the customer’s needs: clear, practical instructions in simple, efficient English. You also have to be aware that software and product experts have their own language that the customer doesn’t always understand. You need to be the translator for the customer.
Working with the experts
I’m lucky to work with some incredibly dedicated people. Everyone has Aico and its customers at their core. It’s my role to gather information from different experts and weave it into something the customer can understand and use.
I’m part of Aico’s Admin Team and based at the Espoo office. But as Aico supports hybrid working, I can stay home and work without any distractions.
Publishing and maintaining documentation
I publish and maintain all external Aico documentation. Any updates or new releases need to be shared with customers.
One of my roles is to build and maintain Aico’s SharePoint. This is something I am learning as I go with the help of an external consultant.
The daily role
Rather than break my day into hours, it’s easier to break it into skills, or attitudes. Each meeting, each review, and each conversation with a colleague could call upon any one of the following:
An eye for detail: Accuracy, attention to detail and patience are key skills. It takes time to understand something as complex as the workings of Aico. Everything going out to the customers must be flawless.
Clear communication: It’s vital to be an active listener and clarifier. I never leave a meeting unsure of a concept or methodology. Going into each situation with goals really helps me come away with what I need.
A team player and a loner: To produce accurate content, I work across all teams in Aico. I never want to miss an opportunity to gather information or learn something new. At the same time, I’m always prepared to put in the long hours of working alone. I only share when I’m satisfied I have done everything I can.
A thick skin: It’s great when I get lots of feedback. When someone has commented thoughtfully on my work, I know the best documentation is going to be published. It takes time to develop this attitude and welcome those sessions where it feels like someone goes over your hard work and picks it apart. But, it’s the best way to learn – I consider it 121 training! And once the product expert is happy, I can be happy too.
Never forget the customer: They are the centre of my working day. I can ask questions, insist on deeper answers and endlessly watch training videos to ensure the customer is getting what they need. Working with our Customer Success Manager and combing through customer feedback is also an important part of a technical writer’s work.
The variety of work is unique to Aico
But, because I work for Aico, there is much more on offer for me to do.
My history of copywriting and desire to keep my skills sharp have opened up opportunities for me to work with the Marketing department and write eBooks and How-to Guides.
Career development is encouraged here, so I can take the relevant courses to improve my writing, knowledge of programming and accountancy.
There are lots of opportunities to help out elsewhere. I’m part of a group of Aiconauts who volunteered to be Employee Brand Ambassadors. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills, take on responsibility far removed from technical writing and switch up my day.
As with most things at Aico, you get the time and support to become good at what you do, with enough variety to keep you happy.
Technical writing is a great career choice for people who are passionate about language and communication. I love to write and learn about new topics and talking to a wide range of knowledgeable product experts, which is just what Aico provides!