Without Aico’s Delivery team, our brilliant product would be sitting on a metaphorical shelf. For us, supporting the customer with implementing and using the product is as important as the product itself. That is why our project managers and solution consultants ensure projects progress, but also make sure that Aico is configured to work with pre-existing finance processes.
Our Support team ensures that after implementation Aico continues to run smoothly for our customers. The delivery function is in constant motion, and we are always reviewing our processes to ensure we run stuff in the most efficient manner and that ultimately, our customers are happy.
Internally, we cultivate our way of working by genuinely taking care of and supporting one another. All with a single aim – to improve the customer experience. We deliver our projects efficiently and effectively. We not only crave to learn but also make sure to advance new best practices along the way. We strive to add tons of extra value for our customers. We have brilliant people working in the Delivery and Support teams at Aico - without them, we wouldn’t be able to achieve the excellent synergy between the Aico software and the financial experts who use it.